"My Ultimate Desire" by Niema Victoria Alhaj

عندما تأتي يأتي النور

عندما تأتي يأتي النور
إمامي أنت مولانا
معك نشعر بالسعادة والامان
أنت إمامي
أنت حبيبي
أحب أن أراك دائما
لك حبي ياشاه كريم


O my Imam
when you come
comes the Nur.

You’re our Mawla,
and you give us
happiness and protection.

O Shah Karim,
you are my beloved Imam,
and to see you
is my ultimate desire.


Niema was born in Stockholm, Sweden 10 years ago. Her parents are Syrians who live in Stockholm. Niema composed “My Ultimate Desire” 4 years ago in anticipation of the Mulaqat of the Imam of the time during the Golden Jubilee and she recited it in The Festival of Poetry Expressions. Niema knows many Arabic Qasidas and Qur’anic Surahs by heart. She also has many talents including composing poetry, writing short stories, painting, and sports including Taekwondo (gained green belt) and swimming (has many diplomas).

Please click Expressions of the Golden Jubilee: “The Festival of Poetic Expressions” for links to more poems and photos from the event.

2 thoughts on “"My Ultimate Desire" by Niema Victoria Alhaj

  1. كلمات القصيدة رائعة جداً، أتمنى لك كل التوفيق، وليباركك جلالة مولانا حاضر امام.

    Un poème si merveilleux, je vous souhaite tout le succès possible. Que Mawlana Hazir Imam vous bénisse.

    A wonderful poem, I wish you every success. Mawlana Hazir Imam bless you.

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