Mehboob Dewji: Magnificent Digital Islamic Patterns (IV)

Artist: Mehboob Dewji
Location: Vancouver, British Columbia
Themes: Digital patterns inspired
by the Alhambra
Medium: Electronic using Photoshop

The patterns were created using Photoshop. I started with just one straight line, gave it a texture and color and used filters to create geometric patterns. Again using different colors and texture, I added layers of different geometric shapes to create a “tile” that I used to make a seamless pattern. These patterns were then used to create backgrounds and spheres using several different shapes and colors.


Pattern 7

Mehboob Dewji


Pattern 8 

Mehboob Dewji


Pattern 9 

Mehboob Dewji


Pattern 10

Mehboob Dewji


Please click on image for enlargement

Please view other digital patterns by Mehboob Dewji at:
Mehboob Dewji: Artist Profile and Statement
Mehboob Dewji: Magnificent Digital Islamic Patterns (I): “Diversity”…and more
Mehboob Dewji: Magnificent Digital Islamic Patterns (II): “Starlight”…
Mehboob Dewji: Magnificent Digital Islamic Patterns (III): “Dawn”…and more
Mehboob Dewji: Magnificent Digital Islamic Patterns (V) 

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2 thoughts on “Mehboob Dewji: Magnificent Digital Islamic Patterns (IV)

  1. Excellent designs. Would be good to see more colours as the ones above are more “brownish”.

    Well done

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