Artistic Expressions: Profound Paintings by Ismaili Muslim Artist Mobina Marani Reflect Her Concern About Climate Change and Plastic Pollution

Mobina Marani pictured in front of her exhibit at the Red Ribbon Event in Fort Erie,
Mobina Marani pictured in front of her exhibit at the Red Ribbon Event in Fort Erie, Ontario, in November 2023. Photograph: Mobina Marani Collection.

Climate Change Marine pollution by Mobina Marani, artistic expressions, simerg insights from around the world, Ismaili artist Canada
Global Pollution, April 2023, Acrylic on canvas, 16 X 20 inches. Artist: Mobina Marani.


Climate Change Force of Nature by Mobina Marani, artistic expressions, simerg insights from around the world, Ismaili artist Canada
Force of Nature, Acrylic on canvas, 16 X 20 inches. Artist: Mobina Marani.

Climate Change by Mobina Marani, artistic expressions, simerg insights from around the world, Ismaili artist Canada
Nature’s Fury, Acrylic on canvas, 16 X 20 inches. Artist: Mobina Marani.


Artistic expressions Simerg Ismaili artist, Mobina Marani

5 thoughts on “Artistic Expressions: Profound Paintings by Ismaili Muslim Artist Mobina Marani Reflect Her Concern About Climate Change and Plastic Pollution

  1. Mobina- a beautiful/humble person; an awesome muti-talented community contributing silent leader! Her art pieces speak volumes of her unconditional commitment to the wellbeing of our Planet & its Citizens!! Keep it up, feel blessed being in the sphere of your long time friendshi. 

    Bashir Mohamed

  2. Creating an image isn’t easy but displaying a message with meaning requires true creative talent and positive thought. This is an excellent display of artistic talent in both the painting and the message attached!

  3. Mobina your artistic work is inspirational and very beautiful! Thank you for sharing your talent with the world. 🙏

  4. Congratulations Mobina! Very Well done on your topics of choice to paint … your passion shines through!

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