What Happened at Ghadir Khumm? A Milestone Historical Event Unknown to the World at Large

Idd-e-Ghadir, the declaration of Ali as Imam
A calligraphy designed by Toronto’s Karim Ismail honouring the first Shia Imam Ali, on the auspicious commemoration of Idd-e Ghadir.


Photograph: Vysotsky – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia.



Ismaili Constitution Imamat Aga Khan, Simerg
Mawlana Hazar Imam, His Highness the Aga Khan, is seen signing a new constitution for the worldwide Ismaili community on his 50th birthday, December 13, 1986. The preamble excerpts produced in this post are from this constitution.



One thought on “What Happened at Ghadir Khumm? A Milestone Historical Event Unknown to the World at Large

  1. Excellent knowledge presentation and a reminder to the not knowing of the truth and reality.

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