The Intellectual Tradition of Shia Ismaili Islam by Nadim Pabani


Within the Islamic tradition, the pursuit of knowledge, the patronage of learning, the promotion of education, and the desire to seek out the truth in all its multifaceted forms was prevalent from the very earliest times. Within this milieu, the Shia Ismaili community of the Fatimid times excelled and achieved a level of literary output far beyond their relatively small size and minority status. According to Heinz Halm, the Fatimid period was “one of the most brilliant periods of Islamic history, both politically and in terms of its literary, economic, artistic, and scientific achievements.”

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For the Ismailis, knowledge was not merely ancillary to their tradition but at the very heart of it — to the extent that their entire religio-political mission (the da’wa) revolved around the idea of knowledge as the single most important factor in their journey towards the knowledge of God in his absolute oneness (Tawhid). This paper explores the Fatimid approach to knowledge and demonstrates the courageous approach which the Ismaili thinkers like Abu Yaʿqub al-Sijistani took towards the new knowledge which was being encountered from Greek and Hellenistic traditions….Read more

One thought on “The Intellectual Tradition of Shia Ismaili Islam by Nadim Pabani

  1. This was the response from a well-read friend of mine:
    “Certainly that is all true but the author might have added that Muslim intellectuals also preserved the scientific knowledge of Ancient Greece at a time when the Western (Catholic) world was destroying Ancient Greek science because they thought it threatened the teachings of the Church and then passed that knowledge along when the Western Enlightenment came along. They might also have mentioned that one of the greatest theoretical physicists living today is Muslim (Abdus Salaam)”

    Great article. Thank you.
    Salim Kara

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